Those Susceptible to Hazards of Floods

Flash Floods can happen almost anywhere, causing great damage in its path. The following groups are most susceptible to the hazards floods pose:

• the elderly
• the poor
• single-parent families, large families or families with very young children
• those lacking access to a motor vehicle
• the ill or infirm

Watch video on how FloodSax helps those who cannot lift heavy sandbags.


Buy FloodSax Online FloodSax® sandless sandbags provide a quick and easy solution for unexpected flood events, especially for people who are unable to quickly dig, fill and move traditional sand bags to protect property.

FloodSax® provide a cost-effective and practical resource for individuals and businesses to provide flood protection and to prevent or greatly reduce flood damage. Within minutes a wall can be erected to mitigate damage caused by water and flash flooding.

Home emergency plan - Flood Safety Checklist

The American Red Cross provides a checklist to ensure you are well prepared in the event of a flash flood.