Flood Bags
Flood Zones and the need for Flood Bags
Flooding can occur at anytime and anywhere. Storms, hurricanes, heavy rainfall can all lead to flash flood events. Many areas of the country are at a heightened risk for flooding due to heavy rains; in other words many of the population across the country lives in flood zones. It is reported that about 25% of areas that are flooded, actually are not in areas labeled by FEMA as a flood zone. This means, excessive amounts of rainfall can quickly turn almost any area into a flood plain.
With much of the nation at risk of flooding, FloodSax® Flood Bags make perfect flood defense products to protect any property (from homes to commercial buildings). Those who have experienced flooding, know too well of its damage; both financially and emotionally. Water damage in your home not only can be costly, but it can displace you and your family for months. According to the National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP), from 2010 to 2014, the average flood claim amounted to nearly $42,000. However great the financial loss from flood damage, the loss of irreplaceable family photos and keepsake is even greater. FloodSax® instant Flood Bags truly help protect people and property.
Flood Bags for Water Damage within the Home/ Property
Aside from naturally disastrous weather, flooding can occur within the home from a busted pipe or appliance leak. A pipe supplying the washing machine, ice maker, dishwasher, or any other appliance in your home can suddenly develop a small leak… which can get larger until the pipe bursts completely. Water can run continuously in your home and just a few inches of water in the home can be disastrous. It is smart to be prepared and keep FloodSax® instant Flood Bags handy in case of an emergency. With a 10 year shelf life guarantee, you can’t go wrong with FloodSax®. Used as a water absorbent pad, FloodSax® Flood Bags can absorb up to 5.8 gallons of water in just 5 minutes.
How FloodSax® Flood Bags Work
FloodSax® Flood Bags are easy to activate. Simply soak the flood bag in the sink or a bucket for 2-3 minutes. Flood bags can also be activated by the leak or floodwaters themselves. It really could not be any easier! When placed behind a doorway and stacked, they mold into the doorway offering the most supreme protection. Traditional sandbags and other sandbag alternatives cannot be compared to FloodSax® Flood bags. Click here to see the comparison chart now.