Flood Facts
Everyone lives in a flood zone.
It’s just a question of whether you live in a low, moderate, or high risk area.
Here are some quick facts from the U.S. Federal Emergency Management Agency about flooding:

- Floods and flash floods happen in all 50 states.
- Everyone lives in a flood zone. (See FEMA Flood Zones FAQs.)
- Most homeowners insurance does not cover flood damage.
- Just an inch of water can cause costly damage to your property.
- In the past 5 years, all 50 states have experienced floods or flash floods.
- Homeowners' insurance does not cover flood damage.
- If you live in a Special Flood Hazard Area (SFHA) or high-risk area and have a Federally backed mortgage, your mortgage lender requires you to have flood insurance. (To find your flood risk, fill out the Flood Risk Profile.)
- Just a few inches of water from a flood can cause tens of thousands of dollars in damage.
- Flash floods often bring walls of water 10 to 15 feet high.
- A car can easily be carried away by just two feet of rushing water.
- Hurricanes, winter storms and snowmelt are common (but often overlooked) causes of flooding.
- New land development can increase flood risk, especially if the construction changes natural runoff paths.