FloodSax Sandless Sandbags Save the Day at Ikea

FloodSax Sandless Sandbags Save the Day at Ikea

Ikea saved by floodsax sandless sandbags

Ikea stops flooding damage with FloodSax Sandless Sandbags

Among the thousands of customers and companies worldwide to utilize FloodSax® Sandless Sandbags is Ikea , the largest furniture retailer in the world. Earlier this February 2016, problems arose at an Ikea store location when the car park faced a leaking problem. The company, which sells and creates ready-to-assemble furniture, is one of many strong retailers and distributors worldwide using the sandbag alternative, growing FloodSax’s impressive customer base. The incident at Ikea helps remind us that flooding nightmares or other devastating events can happen anywhere at any moment and being prepared is the most important thing you can do. Keeping a box of FloodSax® Sandless Sandbags in your home or business has proved to be an effective way to control water damage and to save a fortune.

FloodSax Sandless Sandbags saves Ikea from parking lot flooding

Leaky parking and Sandless Sandbags

Earlier in February, Ikea faced a major retail nightmare. With leaks occurring in the car park, the risk of damaging cars, not to mention the greater danger of hurting unsuspecting customers or even damaging the actual store itself was imminent. The two level car park had water travelling from the upper level into the lower level. In order to prevent the water from continuing to pour down, Ikea responded quickly and used FloodSax® Sandless Sandbags to surround the leak and keep it dry. While they stopped the water, the store was able to repair the car park.

Water Damage and Flood Barrier Protection

When it comes to owning a home or a business, there are so many questions one has to ask. For example, in retail stores, the owners must consider how they can mitigate water damage in a clean and fast way. Important centers such as hospitals must make the same decision, especially since disruptions to work can lead to significant harm for patients. Government agencies also need to manage water damage for their buildings or public properties. Even in your home, a simple toilet leak can lead to major, expensive damage. These are all situations people need to plan ahead for. Minimizing exposure and providing instant containment for water should not be left for the last minute. Ikea’s experience demonstrates FloodSax® Sandless Sandbags can serve as the answer to so many water-related emergencies. Every person or business, even a major retail furniture store such as Ikea is potentially at risk from water damage. Having the FloodSax® Sandless Sandbag alternatives ready in your home or business is a savvy way to always be prepared. Whether it is a flash flood or a pipe leak, when water travels, you have little time to act. FloodSax® Sandless Sandbags are revolutionizing the way people and companies including Ikea can get ready for the worst and control damage.

Visit http://www.floodsax.us.com/ or contact a local dealer to purchase FloodSax® Sandless Sandbags and see them in action for yourself!